The children of John McCuaig and Ann or Nancy McDougalll
Child #1 – Margaret (also known as Peggy or Maggie) MacCuaig Chr 1 Aug 1805
Source: Church of Scotland, County of Argyll, Parish of Kildalton (#541), Baptisms 1723-1819, Volume 1, Frame 127, FHL film 1041079. (Note: mother’s name not given in this record)
1805 / Aug 1 / #43 / Margaret D. to John MacCuaig in Giol
It appears she married Alexander Campbell about 1828, This date is estimated and is based on the christening date of her eldest known child Dougald in 1829
Margaret died in 10 Jun 1884 at Killian, Oa, Argyll, Scotland
"Campbell, Margaret / age 78 years / no medical attendant / married Alexander Campbell, farmer / Father: John MacCuaig, farmer, deceased / Mother Ann MacCuaig ms McDougall, deceased / Informant Duncan Campbell.son, present"Source: Scottish Civil Registration - Deaths, 1884, County of Argyll, Parish of Oa (#541), Page 5, Entry #14.Extracted and Transcribed for me by a researcher in Scotland (James A. Thompson). This was done before Scotland’s People was available
Husband: Alexander Campbell born 20 Nov 1803 Tradigle, Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland. Christened 23 Nov 1803. parents Dugald Campbell and Catharine Sillers or Sellers
"Alexander - lawful son to Dugald Campbell and Catharine Sillers Cottars in Tradigle born 20th baptized 22nd November 1903 named Alexander."Source: Church of Scotland, Parish of Campbeltown (#507),Volume 4, Baptisms 1798 - 1810, Frame 1229,Page 240, FHL Film 1041005
Alexander Died 4 Jun 1885, Kileyan, Oa, Argyll, Scotland
"Alexander Campbell, farmer, widower of Margaret MacCuaig / died 1885 June Fourth 3 h AM at Killian, Oa / male / age 82 years / father Dugald Campbell, farmer, deceased / mother Catherine Campbell ms Sellers, deceased / cause Old Age, not certified / informant Duncan Campbell, son / present / registered 1885 Jun 8th at Port Ellen."
Source: Scottish Civil Registration - Deaths, 1885, County of Argyll, Parish of Kildalton & Oa (#541), Page 8 Entry 24 Transcription taken from microfilm copy of original provided by Scotlands People
This family has been found on several census reports. In 1841, 1851, 1861 they were living in Giol in Oa, In 1871 and 1881 they are found in Lower Killeyan, Oa. this seems to agree with their death records which state they died in Killian (Killeyan), Oa.
1841 census (Scotland, Argyll, Oa, ED2, Page 9, Giol) Margaret seem to be missing – at least she is not recorded with the family. I have not found her. Missing also is their eldest son Dougald. I have assumed that he was deceased as they had a second son Dugald in 1839 and I have not found any other records for the first Dougald. This is not always a sound genealogical practice however it seems to be supported by the fact that I can’t find any other record of him. Other children listed are Duncan age 10, Hugh age 7, Ann age 4, Dugald age 1. It appears that Alexander’s sister Marion age 15, female servant is helping with the family.
1851 census (Scotland, Argyll, Oa, ED2, Page 15, Giol) Margaret (Peggy) is with the family and there are three additional children born since the last census John age 10, Alexander age 6, and Catharine age 2
1861 census (Scotland, Argyll, Oa, ED2, Page 8, Giol) only children Dugald and Catharine are with them and a three year old granddaughter Ann. Note: the granddaughter Ann Campbell is listed as a daughter but I believe that this is incorrect. Margaret would be in her mid fifties when this child was born making it somewhat unlikely. Moreover – Ann, daughter of their son Duncan Campbell, is not listed with her family.
1871 census (Scotland, Argyll Oa ED2 Page 1, Lower Killeyan) Alexander and Margaret have a Margaret Campbell, niece Probably age 10 (but perhaps 16) a scholar living with them. It is this census that gives us the clue that Alexander was born in Campbeltown. many of the other census records state he was born in Oa.
On the 1881 census Alexander and Margaret are living together with no other family. He age 78 years.and she age 76 years. Alexander is listed as a farmer of 150 acres 20 arable and employing 1 man and 1 boy
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